The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
56 lines
Disk No: 1412
Program Title: LEARN TO GUESS
PC-SIG version 1
LEARN TO GUESS is a set of four games that can help your child, in
grades 1-12, to learn basic arithemetic and develop problem-solving
strategies. Each of the games is complete in itself. When used in
sequence, skills already learned are honed and reinforced.
In GUESSME, for one to four players, students in grades 1-8 develop
their problem solving strategies by trying to guess the computer's
secret number. There are eight levels of difficulty which will sustain
a challenge for most players. Other concepts used in the remaining
programs are introduced here.
ROMAN GUESSME is identical to GUESSME, except that all of the numbers
used in the game are displayed as, and must be entered as, Roman
numerals. Grades 5-12.
At first glance NEAREST, a game for from two to four players, seems to
be a simple number guessing game, but it requires sharper thinking than
is first apparent. Appropriate for grades 2-8.
SUPERGUESS, for two to four players, challenges students in grades 3-12
to call upon all of their knowledge of prime numbers, composite numbers,
factors, multiples, sums, differences and products as they compete
against one another in a race across the computer's screen.
Synopsis: A set of four challenging games for children, grades 1-12,
that teaches arithmetic and problem-solving skills.
Usage: Children's Educational-Math/Game.
Special Requirements: CGA graphics card.
How to Start: Type GO (press enter).
Suggested Registration: $15.00
File Descriptions:
GUESS CHN Chain programs for LEARN TO GUESS.
GUESSME CHN Chain programs for LEARN TO GUESS.
NEAREST CHN Chain programs for LEARN TO GUESS.
ROMAN CHN Chain programs for LEARN TO GUESS.
SUPERG CHN Chain programs for LEARN TO GUESS.
GUESS COM Main executable program file for LEARN TO GUESS.
README DOC Introduction text file with operating instructions.
1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale CA 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.